TheĀ Ag/AgCl reference electrodes serve for calibration of the working electrodes in a phosphate buffer (PB) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ASF) and for measurements of neurotransmitter overflow in anesthetized animals or other types of tissue preparations. These electrodes should be immersed in the PB or ASF 24 hours before measurements. The standard length of the electrode is 35 mm, diameter is 2.6 mm. However the length is customizable (up to 200 mm).
A longer electrodes are encapsulated into stainless steel shield (AISI 304, 3 mm in diameter). Now it can be easily grounded. Therefore even with the longest reference electrodes, the level of noise will be reduced. The shield can be also used as an auxiliary electrode. Shielded and conventional reference electrodes fit holder of the Invilog Bubble Level Probe.