Invilog In Vivo Voltammetry Setup

In Vivo Voltammetry Complete Setup.


Micro head stage, slip-ring (commutator) and multi-axis counter-balanced level arm let you perform in vivo voltammetry in freely moving animals
Micro head stage, slip-ring (commutator) and multi-axis counter-balanced lever let you perform in vivo voltammetry in freely moving animals


Slip-ring (commutator) with bore lets you to apply optical stimulation or perfuse a liquid simultaneously with measurements and electrical stimulation.
Commutator with bore for simultaneous measurements, electrical and/or light stimulation and perfusion.

We provide this setup in three main configurations:

1. In Vivo Voltammetry Basic Setup has been designed for fast scan cyclic voltammetry in anesthetized animals, slices, cells or isolated organs.

It includes a head stage for 7 and 32 micron carbon fiber working electrodes, a small desktop FCV Analyzer and a notebook computer with preinstalled software. Optional head stage lets you to record dynamics of neurotransmitter release and re-uptake in two distinct brain regions simultaneously. Imagine, you stimulate medial forebrain bundle and obtain in the same experiment curves of dopamine overflow in the dorsal and ventral striatum.

Associated software includes two programs – one for acquisition of the data and stimulation and the other for analysis. The main unit controlled by Invilog’s software provides also programmable stimulator for mono or bipolar electrical stimulation (0±10 volts) or for triggering of other events (e.g. optical stimulation, perfusion etc.) synchronously with fast cyclic voltammetry measurements. For electrical stimulation you may use your own stimulus isolation unit (SIU), our universal standalone very low noise battery operated SIU (10 mA max current) or inbuilt in the FCV Analyzer battery operated  SIU designed for brain stimulation (1mA max current).

2. In Vivo Voltammetry Complete Setup (figure on the left panel) lets you to perform all measurements mentioned above plus registration of the dopamine transients in freely moving animals.

Additional components of the Complete Setup include micro head stage, slip-ring (commutator) and multi-axis counter-balanced lever. These components permit recording of spontaneous dopamine transients with chronically implanted sensors, and also serve for electrical (also chemical or optical) stimulation in freely moving animals.

3. Invilog Setup for In Vivo Voltammetry/Electrophysiology uses the same carbon fiber micro-electrode for practically simultaneous registration of neurotransmitter dynamics, pH shift or oxygen levels and neuronal activity. EEG, single unit, field potential and other extra- and intracellular measurements can be made, analyzed and saved for further analysis.

Invilog In Vivo Voltammetry Setup is complemented by calibrated carbon fiber working electrodes in glass insulation (sensors) for acute experiments, miniature chronically implanted sensors, stimulating and reference electrodes, and our 8 hours training via videoconferencing.

Therefore, everything you will ever need for in vivo voltammetry you will find at Invilog.

Several fragments of the program for analysis of the results are shown below.

Left panel shows dopamine overflow following 10 Hz stimulation (yellow bar on the time scale) of the medial forebrain bundle. Small peaks after the stimulation are spontaneous dopamine transients. Two-dimensional color plot (right panel) and background subtracted voltammogram (figure below) permit fast identification and analysis of the signal in terms of concentration, release per pulse of stimulation [DAp], Km and Vmax. Two horizontal arrows show peaks of dopamine oxidation and reduction during stimulation. Four vertical arrows indicate time of dopamine spontaneous release (dopamine transients).

Fast cyclic voltammetry in dorsal striatum – results of subtraction of the signal before and after stimulation of the ascending dopaminergic pathways.