Our system was specifically designed so that anyone including the clumsiest student can start working with it in 2 minutes. The screenshots below demonstrate how simple the interface is. Click on the screenshot and follow the main steps of experiment.
This apparently simple system provides precise real-time measurement of the number of entrances in the open and closed arms, time spent in the arms and in the centre of the maze. It is also remote controlled. Video can be recorded on computer hard drive for re-evaluation or demonstration.
Neither colour of animal nor lighting conditions matter. We recommend using our maze – light, easily foldable construction, however, if you already use some maze in the laboratory, you may purchase only notebook with preinstalled software and camera.
Screenshots and comments:
The program starts with mouse click. System will analyze environment and adapt to any lightning conditions. You may change location and size of the zones which program uses to determine position of animal and time spent in the zones. The system is intelligent. It will calculate entrance to the arm when the body of the animal is off the centre. However, if the task is to calculate entrance to the very end of the arm, you could do it by dragging the zone to the new position.
System will ask you to identify animal. Insert animal ID and start experiment with included remote control or with mouse click.
The experiment will be finished after time predefined by you. You may continue with the new animal or save your results in the text file.
The results for each animal will be added to the table in the Results section and to the text file as a new row.