Equipment for in vivo voltammetry
All what one may need to set-up in vivo voltammetry laboratory, including headstages for fast cyclic voltammetry and amperometry, potentiostat, brain stimulator with stabilized current isolation unit, software designed for FSCV and amperometry and controlling stimulation, working, reference and stimulating electrodes.

From establishing of a working in vivo voltammetry laboratory and training of staff to refinement and application of the methods in preclinical pharmacology.
We arrange videoconferencing, which will take you through the entire procedure from the first calibration all the way to registration of dopamine even at nanomolar levels.
Brain stimulation and monitoring behaviour
The same animals undergoing in vivo voltammetry can be tested in some behavioral protocols without the need to register the dopamine transient but with optical or electrical stimulation of specific brain areas. We have developed several approaches that permit to perform wireless brain stimulation and to build sophisticated behavioral tests without significant investment in the new equipment.
Contract research
We perform real-time neurochemical analysis of dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin release and re-uptake in the smallest brain structures, and testing the effects of drugs and new compounds on the overflow of monoamines in different brain areas of intact mouse and rat brain, in vivo and in the brain slices, ex vivo.
Miniature Ag/AgCl electrodes
Miniature reference electrode with flex 0.4mm tip and extended life This Ag/AgCl electrode, with a flexible tip diameter of only 0.4 mm, features a relatively large internal volume and a uniquely designed sensing element that significantly extends its lifespan. The tip can be cut to the desired length or replaced as needed.
Other types of miniature reference electrodes, 2–3 mm in diameter and made with PEEK or glass bodies, are also detailed on the corresponding website.
Invilog Joystick Micromanipulator
This miniature manipulator permits one to freely move microelectrode in X, Y and Z plan. It offers single-axis precision forward and backward movement along microelectrode axis for accurate positioning the tip of the electrode.
FCV Analyzer with Stimulus Isolation Unit (SIU)
FCV Analyzer now includes current stabilized stimulus isolation unit (SIU). Thanks to replaceable batteries the SIU provides the lowest noise mono- or bipolar (biphasic) stimulation up to ±1 mA. You don’t need anymore other specific equipment than FCV Analyzer with inbuilt SIU to set up in vivo voltammetry in your lab.
For enquiries please contact us at info[at]
Invilog bubble level fits any type of stereotaxic frame
Invilog bubble level can now be used with any stereotaxic frame even those without threaded hole on the side of the frame. What one needs is simply to glue a tiny metal plate (see it on the insert) with help of two sided scotch.