Invilog Wireless Stimululators comparison table

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Extended life


Standard life

  Extended life

Without microcontroller

With microcontroller

Size D 13mm x 3mm 13x14x3 mm 13x16x3 mm

13x14x3 mm

Weight1 1.4 g 1.6g 1.8g


Real-time control of the stimulation pattern2 Yes Yes Yes


Real-time control of the intensity of stimulation No No Yes


Ability to adjust intensity of stimulation before experiment3 No Yes, with optional potentiometer Yes

Yes, with    optional potentiometer

Polarity of stimulation Monopolar or charge balanced Monopolar or charge balanced Monopolar or true bipolar/ biphasic

Monopolar or charge balanced

Replaceable battery No Yes Yes


Time of work on one battery4 200-300 hours 40 – 60 hours 40 – 60 hours

200-300 hours

Standby time 6 months

6 months

Necessity to detach stimulator and remove battery when not in use Yes Yes


Location on the body Subcutaneous On skull using cemented connector or with harness on the body
Working distance from control unit 40 – 50 cm 4 – 5 meters 4 – 5 meters

100 cm

Ability to stimulate animals housed in numerous individual cages with one emitter No Yes Yes


Ability to stimulate several animals housed in one cage Yes No No


Parameters of stimulation Pulse length: 0.1 ms min (externally controlled) Frequency: 0-5000 Hz (externally controlled)

Pulse length: 0.3-20/30* ms (externally controlled)  Frequency: 0-500 Hz (externally controlled)

Pulse length: 0.1 ms min (externally controlled) Frequency: 0-5000 Hz (externally controlled)

1 – Weight depends on the level of mechanical protection of the stimulators and may slightly differ from that stated in the table.
2 – Customized design permits entirely autonomous functions.
3 – There are two current diapasons available for the wireless electrical stimulators: 0 – 50 uA or over 50 uA, e.g. 50 – 500 uA or 50 – 1500 uA  etc.
4 – Time of work on one battery depends on the parameters of stimulation (intensity, pulse width and frequency).